Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Have no fear, the Editor is here, or at least in Cuba

Well aware that my adoring public has been holding demonstrations of grief in public places, wearing black armbands, and spontaneously bursting into tears anytime zombies are mentioned in casual conversation, I have decided to relieve everyone's anxiety and post a few words of reassurance.

Yes, the Editor is alive and well. Yes, I did get my limbs reattached. And no, the zombies DID NOT escape, ravage the town for three days, spread their vile disease to almost everyone, and have to be bombed out of existence, at which point the Editor was able to escape to Cuba, and get a new computer to post with. If you heard that, it's completely false, the pictures are doctored, and no, I am not fleeing from the just retribution of the law.

This message will self destruct.

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