Sunday, February 20, 2005

I did not mean pass my pain

Yes, more brilliant poetry from the writers of the many blogs of blogspot. Joey's poetry and thoughts are right up there with the other blue-ribbon winners of the past; that is, they inspire feelings which the Editor has never really felt before, even after that truly unique experience with the not-so-fresh shellfish and bottle of tequila. Apparently, being in love makes you high as a dove. That's fucking great, man. Of course, eagles and hawks are higher, and seagulls probably are too; but that doesn't rhyme with "love". You can end your line with another word, man, just to let you know. The Editor is too drunk to even think about the many problems with Joey's maunderings; there is only so much the stomach can stand.

All I'm wondering is, if you're such a loser, why share it with the world? You're just asking for people like the Editor to come along and tell you what a completely pathetic waste of web page space you are, which in fact I did. View it at the link above.


Mike M. said...

Hmmm... he calls it "peotry." Just a typo or has he created a totally new form of Western World wordsmithery? I'd kind of like to see him rewrite his peoms for pop culture icons. Like, um, OJ Simpson:

"When you're in love,
and high, don't lose your glove..."

E. Worthington, Editor said...

I did not mean pass my pain
That spot in the SUV's not a bloodstain . . .

Mike M. said...

My emotions sometimes overflow,
but I have an alibi, ask Kato...

E. Worthington, Editor said...

I feel this love in my soul
Which is why I did not kill Nicole