Friday, January 28, 2005

There was an unfortunate incident in the zombie lab . . .

And so I'm typing with one hand, as the other was inconveniently bitten off last night - the zombies weren't quite as sedated as we thought. Apparently Paris Hilton got them all riled up again, after they were lulled to sleep by American Idol. Seems they're more like humans than previously hypothesized, at least, some humans. Therefore, tonight's post will be short and sweet (in contrast to the typical long and bitter). I'm also missing an ear, and part of my left leg, but hopefully my resident research surgeon will have everything sorted out in time for me to write more tomorrow night. I just hope he can operate missing half of his liver, which seems to have been devoured, as we can't find it anywhere.

Also, the zombies seemed to be mumbling something about "momimonnia"; or perhaps "eudaimonia", we couldn't tell. We think it's an Aristotelian term, so if there are any philosophy majors out there, we could use your input! We couldn't get them to understand commands in English, so maybe a philosopher would be willing to translate. Thanks in advance!

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