Friday, January 21, 2005

i LikE 2 DanCe And SinG liKE noBodY's WaTChiNG oR lisTenIn..So i CaN bReaK daR gLaSsEs

I would like to direct everyone's attention to several comments posted by Ideasculptor, which . . . I can't even begin to Editorialize on this topic. The comments are appended to "More Best of Blog" etc., two posts back. Please read them, or you'll be happy you didn't. I mean . . . just read them, if you can.

Also, I had some fantastic photographs taken of me this evening, looking like the bastard lovechild of Willy Wonka and Marilyn Monroe. No one is going to see them on this site, as they've been classified at the highest levels of government. I would just like to say, the Teva-Uggs in which I appeared would make the ladies at fuggingitup extremely proud. Yeah, you heard that fucking right, Teva-Uggs. Tevuggs, as we at Overground like to call them, being in the know and all that; new fashions have to have bold adventurers, willing not to wear them in public and completely destroy all evidence that they were ever worn at all. The Editor is proud to admit to being such.

Anyway, thank you very much Ideasculptor and Tifanie for a lovely evening of Scotch and political argument. It is rare that the Editor has such a pleasant few hours of diversion and wit, amongst congenial and large fuzzy cat-owning souls, not to mention the 18 year aged Glenlivet, which tastes quite distinctively of smoked oak. It's really incredible how much of a difference that six years makes; the Editor is in the habit of consuming 12 year aged Scotch on a daily (did I say that? I meant hourly) basis, and is happy for the change. I suppose twelve really is too young, but eighteen is fair game on all fronts; which applies to just about everything, when you think about it.

I meant wine, whiskey, and other spirits, of course, not high school girls.


Ideasculptor said...

Is it possible that, contrary to the opinion around here, Liaox and Lerx are NOT, in fact, aliens, but ZOMBIES?

Ideasculptor said...

These poor schoolgirls have clearly had their brains eaten by the likes of Lia0x and Lerx. The affliction could be spreading rapidly. Utmost vigilance is required. If someone you know starts exhibiting symptoms, it is 4bs0lootli CreWShUl Tat U Kil1 Thar Scro^^vb 5hlemPhix aNt fL4bbEr 2 Jmp!

E. Worthington, Editor said...

Zombies, hmm? It's possible, but m not shur lerx . . . 2 ltTle brayn acTivti n e coMon zOmby fer it 2 tYpe . . . o gd NO e zmbI got meee . . .