Thursday, June 30, 2005

Rant of the day

So, goddamn it you guys, I'm totally hooked on this fucking show, and can't stop watching it, and now it's two in the motherfucking morning and I have to be at work in the a.m., as you well know, Tifanie, and I'm still debating watching another episode. You have ruined the editorial life. My lab is neglected, the zombies are starving, my research staff has been drinking beer and fucking off for hours. The emergency ammunition hasn't been restocked in days. I feel like one of the crack squirrels in Central Park, only I'm not quite up to that level of rationality. It could also be all of the codeine and scotch, but who's counting . . . anyway, the next time you loan me DVDs, warn me first that all other activities will cease and I'll sit here for an entire night and obsess over funeral directors! All right? Thanks.

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