Friday, February 10, 2006

Back to School

The Editor has recently returned to the academic world, in the (hopefully not completely futile) attempt to become further edjimicated (sp?). I guess that's why I need skool, I'm not sure if my spelling's quite up to par. At least I've not yet sunk to the levels of illiteracy pioneered by Howie.

Anyhoo. I apologize most profusely for the lack of posts recently. Work and classes have commandeered almost all of the Editorial energy of late. However, I did find the time to finish my contribution to a theatrical work suggested to me by Tifanie and others, and if any of the participants happen to read this, I am no longer holding up the process! Back to zombies and arson! And not a moment too soon.


Money said...

Next we need a photoshop image of SBCC in flames.

E. Worthington, Editor said...

That would definitely fall outside of the usual categories of "Oh, shit" or "Phew, not my problem", and enter a new realm: "Haaaa ha ha ha ha". Although, come to think of it, the theatre on fire is very similar in that regard.