Just today, I discovered a sect of Christianity previously unknown to me - the Christadelphians. Wikipedia, the ultimate repository of all knowledge and wisdom (until I find a real copy of the
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, at least) informs me that there are only about 50,000 of these folks in the world, spread throughout 120 different countries. There are also break-off sects of Christadelphians, which may only have 50 members. Other Christians consider them insane.
On the other hand, the Christadelphians consider the Jehovah's Witnesses to be insane, and so the moral seems to be: no matter how fucked up you are, there's someone even more batshit crazy than you. Unless you're the Jehovah's Witnesses, of course - that's the bottom of the barrel.
Be that as it may, the Christadelphians take pride in their literal interpretation of much of the Bible. They espouse the idea of a second coming and a general resurrection of the faithful; as a result they draw a sharp contrast between what they call the Kingdom of Men and the Kingdom of God.
Eddie Izzard has a particularly good routine on the Anglican Church, in which he comments that were that institution to have an Inquisition, it would be a little wimpy - something along the lines of "Cake or death?" The Christadelphians apparently also believe in cake or death, only they represent it thus:

The intro I've just provided aside, this may be one of the most compelling images ever created. Please note the contrast between the flaming skull levitating above a lava flow, on the one hand, and the giant hummingbird, on the other. Giant hummingbirds or flaming skulls? The choice is yours.