Thursday, March 20, 2008

Oh, No They Didn't . . .

As some of my gentle readers may know, I'm doing my English honors thesis on romance novels. Yes, I am, stop laughing, please.

Specifically, I'm studying how representations of masculinity in the Harlequin Presents series of romance novels have undergone a paradigm change since the seminal studies in the genre, in the early 1980s. See? Academia is awesome, because you can say very little in very many words. Gotta love it. (This project, fyi, accounts for my odd Shelfari picks, if anyone wondered.)

But. The point is, this pursuit leads me to spend a fair amount of time on Harlequin's website, looking at writing guidelines and press info and sales statistics and new releases. And, today, looking at . . . the most . . . okay, imagine the worst possible combination of masculine/feminine pop culture, like, say, a Cosmopolitan magazine written by Carrot Top, or something, and then . . . oh God, it's too horrible to contemplate. I give you:

Ladies and gentlemen, please place a paper bag over your head, as it will make the coming Apocalypse slightly less disturbing.


kidicarus222 said...

Does this exist for other sports? Bowling? Badminton?

E. Worthington, Editor said...

I would think lawn bowling would be a good candidate . . . with the invention of Viagra, at least.

Anonymous said...

Nah, the international intrigue of competitive Magic: The Gathering is just itching to be exploited...but it could just be the excema.