Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Howie Part II: Revenge of the Literate

Howie, my pet. Since posting my last, it came to me that perhaps some of my previous comments may have seemed hurtful, nay, even mean. Let me just state for the record that I feel it to be my bounden duty to educate those whom I feel to be in need of my help. In fact, I feel like feelings, those that you truly, deeply feel, feel more heartfelt when felt up under a cashmere sweater . . . sorry, sidetracked. (Using the same word, over and over and over and over again, has a bit of a drowsy, soothing, hypnotic effect, does it not? Of course, what can one do, when one has the vocabulary of an invertebrate? A difficult quandary, to be sure.)

And I apologize to any more junior members of my audience, who may or may have ever felt up anything at all.

Now, it seems, I must apologize yet again, as I may have just insinuated that no human female voluntarily comes within several leagues of the Fearless Defender of Truth and Italics in the History of Education.

Should I display how truly, deeply, really sorry I feel, yet again? I feel like this examination of all of our feelings might become monotonous at some point.

And it just did. For a moment there, I thought I might have accidentally strayed from my own blog to Howie's. Hmmmmm. But, back to the matter at hand. Just to refresh everyone's memory, here's the previously quoted passage from Howie's blog:

I am not a so-called «bot» and I am not stupid. I am an education major at Princeton University and you do not get into an Ivy League school by being stupid. My GPA is a steady 3.8. I wish to educate those who I feel are uninformed, and I have been vilified. I feel that once you open your mind, you will feel that there is a progressive answer to today's issues. You have to open your mind not keep it narrow. I am messenger for progressive change. My views are shared by many people.

Howie, Howie, Howie. What are we going to do with you? I pray to all gods and idols that were ever made, not release you upon an unsuspecting elementary school class. Can you even imagine walking innocently into your first day in the third grade and finding . . . Howie? Perhaps he'll do us all a favor and join Teach for America, and get himself sent to the worst, most crime-ridden high school any ghetto has ever seen. As a true liberal, and lover of the people, he would no doubt love them even more at very, very close range. He can tell them about how, coming from a college which costs more per year than their entire family's income, he really, truly, knows how they feel, understands them, and wants to educate them.

So Howie. I will now, out of what piddling quantity of goodness remains in my cold, bitter soul, let you in on a secret. The best way to lose all, and I do mean every last single drop, of credibility as a member of the hoi polloi, is to . . . anyone with me here? Anyone? That's right, go to an incredibly exclusive university, populated almost entirely with the very wealthy, and set oneself up as an intellectual. Yep, that's it all right. The only people who will, for the rest of his life, be able to look at Howie without hatred are well-educated wealthy white people. And they will not tolerate him until he learns to spell.

It seems that in order to complete our analysis of the paragraph above (which is, after all, from one of the greatest philosophers of our time; it would be foolish to dismiss it hastily) we shall have to post yet again, perhaps even later this evening. The Editorial fingers weary, and zombies need to be fed. Wait a minute . . . and I had to ask what we were going to do with Howie, when the answer was right at my rotting, gnawed fingertips!


camojack said...

I hope you don't mind, but I'm going to post a link to these at one of hooey's haunts: "Blame Bush!"...a most excellent satire site, in case you are unfamiliar with it.

E. Worthington, Editor said...

I don't mind at all, and thank you for stopping by. I know that dear, sweet, little Howie, who feels everthing so deeply, is an easier target than the broad side of a barn. And yet, and yet . . . so difficult to resist.

Anonymous said...

Do you often post such long-winded ego-ridden tripe?

I've never been here before, but devoting such attention to Howie's blog suggests that a) you have nothing better to do, and b) you yourself feel you are "above" much of the rest of the world. Not to mention that your own spelling and syntax leave much to be desired.

I would suggest to you that this attention from you and Camo and others indicates one thing: Howie is provoking people, and that can only be a good thing. But your prejudices are showing, as they did with Camojack long ago.

I'd better add the favourite sign off from Momto10 and JannyMae and other "intellectuals":


Anonymous said...

Howie is, "provoking," people? Now that's funny, "Mack!"

Howie is boring people...except for a chosen few who are as deluded as he is in their thinking, most of whom are not Americans (and I suspect many of them are the same person).

Ironically, he has finally removed all the typos from his typical, "response," to anyone who challenges his copy and pastes, and posted it here!

Anonymous said...

"Howie is boring people...except for a chosen few"

Like you apparently.
Amazing how you can't shut up about something that bores you so much.

Maybe you just can't shut up, period.

E. Worthington, Editor said...

My dear Mack,
How I do appreciate your constructive and witty remarks. Please find one spelling error in my post, other than the typo in one of my comments of which I am aware, and point it out to me.

Let me suggest that those of us who blog for amusement can be as long-winded as we please. I have no overarching goal of preaching my badly-worded propaganda to the world, which would perhaps more justly deserve the label "ego-ridden." I, in short, am not the one who has set myself up as the great educator of the ignorant masses.

With great affection,
The Editor

E. Worthington, Editor said...

FYI - I resent the epithet "neocon", inasmuch as I despise the neocons as much as anyone else here can possibly do. They are far, far too liberal.

Anonymous said...

Mack said:
"Howie is boring people...except for a chosen few"

Like you apparently.
Amazing how you can't shut up about something that bores you so much.

Maybe you just can't shut up, period."

Sorry, Mack, but Howie keeps coming and whoring up traffic by crapping on conservative blogs
that I frequent. I submit to you that it is HE who, "can not shut up." You, as well, as I haven't noticed YOU do anything other than launch insulting, ad hominem attacks on other people.

Example: "Do you often post such long-winded ego-ridden tripe?"
This is the way you introduce yourself on a blog for the first time? Then, you launch into a judgmental tirade about the author of this blog? You must really be a legend in your own mind, eh, Mack???

Keep defending your buddy, Howie. His stupidity speaks for itself, and so does yours, for taking him seriously. It's amazing the abject stupidity that some people can overlook when they find some fool who appears to agree with them.

E. Worthington, Editor said...

JannyMae, thank you for coming to my defense. You are a welcome visitor at any time . . . I would like to point out, however, that Howie and Mack's insults are complimentary in a certain way, sort of as if Christina Aguilera were to walk up to you on the street and tell you that your taste in clothes is awful. In short, if I'm doing something they don't like, it must be good. Or at least not patently moronic.

Anonymous said...

"I haven't noticed YOU do anything other than launch insulting, ad hominem attacks on other people"

Go back and read my stuff again, woman.

I posted dozens of points, but got no proper answers to them.

Just bullshit and BHAHAHAHAHHAHA!

It appears that slagging off Europeans, the UN, and Democrats, is the level of "debate" to be expected from Republicans. Nothing worth a dime.