Friday, February 25, 2011


Tonight I was moved to take a look through this blog after several years of neglect - not in its entirety, but an overview.  Spam comments just keep on coming.  If nothing else, when they land in my email inbox they act as a reminder that while some things end, anything you post on the web remains.  Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair; also, buy more Viagra.  (As a sidenote, I find it disturbing how many of the spam comments I deleted were links to incest porn.)

I realized I never posted a final post here.  I'm going to take a leaf from my colleague Tifanie's book (the link to her previous blog, and its last post, is in the blogroll to the left), and say that this blog represents a period that's now over.  This blog represents a life that I lived, and a job that I had, and friends that I thankfully still have, in great measure and with some few unfortunate exceptions.

I fed them to the zombies, of course.

The Editor still lives, however, and can be found pursuing an appropriate Editorial destiny writing about books at  I still maintain a zombie lab, relocated to Texas at great cost in financial resources and human life, and a remarkably unproductive custom spork factory.
